
Warning: this doc is heavily outdated! do not trust much of it.

Powerlang was the name of the base system used to generate Smalltalk images from Smalltalk source code written in files. We expected it to let generate images for other languages in the future, but it turned out supporting only Egg allows to have much smaller implementation, so the original idea of supporting multiple Smalltalk dialects has been discarded.

For now, Powerlang runs on top of Pharo, and consists of a set of packages that allow for loading code definitions, to compile them, build image segments, and to generate native code for methods ahead of time, which is required when targeting the LMR runtime.

Code is loaded into a Ring2 environment, which is as a set of objects that specify what is included in a module. Currently, the main supported code-base is that of Egg Smalltalk. Powerlang has been developed hand-in-hand with Egg, with the hope that in the future other systems are also supported.

Egg consists of a main Kernel module, which is self-hosted. This means that the kernel is able to perform basic Smalltalk computation without accessing nor requiring other modules. The Kernel includes objects like numbers, collections, classes, methods and modules. If other things are to be used, they are loaded in a modular fashion: OS support, JIT compiler, libraries are out by default but a dependency tracking system allows will allow to easily add stuff.

Bootstrap steps

Generating an executable image segment requires a series of steps, which we describe next. You can also study these steps by looking at Powerlang-Building packages. From a running system (usually Pharo), the host, we build a virtual image of Egg, the guest.

The process is the following:

1. Kernel Genesis

PowertalkRingImage fromSpec wordSize: n; genesis instantiates the guest virtual image. It reads Egg Kernel module definition, and then builds the objects required for the classes, metaclasses and behaviors. Objects generated during the genesis are of type ObjectMap. This hierarchy of types allows to represent the contents of the newly created object slots, and their corresponding spec type and associated behavior and hash. The objects created by this virtual image are the minimum needed to do any kind of Smalltalk execution. However, it doesn’t contain any method, as compiling methods is a more complex step that requires bootstrap initialization of globals, class vars and pool vars.

2. Bootstrap duality

Initialization of module namespace and pools is done through execution of Smalltalk code within the virtual image, and for that we use a PowertalkRuntime.

However, compiling methods during the bootstrap is more complex than compiling for the current image. The compiler runs on top of the current image, the host, and generates SCompiledMethods with literals, which can be integers, symbols, arrays, SCompiledBlocks, etc. Those methods and their referenced objects need to be converted to ObjectMaps, which are guest objects in the world being bootstrapped.

There is a constant sense of duality while compiling and executing virtually: objects need to be passed back and forth from the local image to the bootstrapped image and vice-versa many times. To deal with this, the method compiler is passed VirtualClasses, which account for both the Ring specs and the ObjectMap that represents the class in the bootstrapped system. To allow usage of globals and pools or class vars, the compiler uses VirtualDictionaries, which know both their keys as symbols in the local image and also the associations and values that live in the bootstrapped image.

3. Bootstrap initialization

After compilation, generated SCompiledMethods have references to both objects in the host image and objects in the guest image.

And there’s yet one last twist: pool dictionaries. Pool dictionaries are more dynamic than class variables. While class variables are all determined beforehand (in class definition), pool variables are defined after some initialization: class variables that point to objects of type PoolDictionary are recognized by the compiler, and are used as local pools by it. Before it is possible to compile arbitrary methods, the builder has to initialize pool dictionaries. To do so, it virtually sends the message #bootstrap to the module object corresponding to the module spec being built. The virtual runtime interprets the message send, creating more ObjectMaps. During that process the compiler doesn’t yet recognize pool variables, so pool vars can’t be used to initialize pool vars (it shouldn’t be a big limitation though). One extra step is done by the bootstrapper: it sends declareGlobals to the module, so that any global object name is put into the module namespace.

After this initial pass, arbitrary methods can be compiled, so the bootstrap process creates the method dictionaries of the classes and fills them. Finally, a last initialization pass is done by sending initialize to the module, which can execute more complex initialization code.

3. Module nativization

This step shall be optional (only required by the LMR for a reduced set of modules). The compiler in the local image generated instances of SCompiledMethod which contain s-expressions. An SExpressionNativizer traverses them and generates native code for each method and block. The result of this is stored in their nativeCode ivar and then transferred into the image segment being built. Kernel nativization for the LMR also requires some extra steps, such as the nativization of invoke, lookup, and write barrier procedures.

4. Image segment wrap-up

During all the bootstrap process all important objects are created by the builder. To finally generate an image segment, the builder creates an ImageSegmentBuilder and passes it the roots, an ordered list of objects from where it will calculate what are the objects to be included in the file. This step writes the objects of each module into a separate image segment file, with a particular format that can be loaded by a launcher written for the platform we are going to use. The launcher for the native platform is in /runtime/cpp/launcher directory. The writer is given a base address at which the image segment is expected to be loaded in memory, and knows how to encode each object OOP according to that address.